I wasn't sure if I could believe them, the French, being, above all, polite beyond the big white lie. They have been known to smile, nod their head and say, "c'est parfait" (it is perfect) when "ugh"! would be a more appropiate response.
Luckily Rosie was here.
That's Rosie in the dark shirt.
You need at least one another American to give the heads up on Tom. Rosie did. She said it was great. I had to give up on the sweet potatoes, though. What I really needed was those delightfully yellow yams. So I served a nice wild rice with grilled onions and cranberries instead.
And, who said you can't fit a 9.220kg turkey in a French oven?
I am new at this taking pictures for my blog and, so, the after picture of Tom is not as lovely as it should be. For Saturday's Thanksgiving I will make sure to dress up the platter!
I do believe the French had fun with the Thanksgiving Kir!
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