But I cannot tell a lie. I was too warm and too lazy to put on my galoshes and traipse outside to share it with you by taking photos. Luckily for you my neighbor, Sylvie, is much more courageous.
Here is our church,. (It is so pretty it almost makes me want to be a catholic!)

...this was the view

And, Syvlie was nice enough to take one of the house. (yes, that us, you can tell by the big street light)
Just another word about the French. And, yes I was watching television againlast night (very good for my French). From Tuesday's newscast we learned that the French were pessimistic. From last night's I learned that France has the most 100 years or older citizens in Europe.
I'm telling you. It is this eating, drinking and being merry!

kristi anderson
saint jacques le coin perdu
15, place de l'église
45240 ligny le ribault