Sunday, January 31, 2010

Feeding time at a tiny zoo in Sologne Loire Valley

Someone told me it's all happening at the zoo

Paul Simon

I missed my calling. I should have been a zookeeper, but then again, I am. I am also an Inn keeper, but then again, maybe inn keeper and zoo keeper are the same (just kidding) But I do have a zoo and I do have a Bed & Breakfast in Loire Valley, Sologne. To be a zoo keeper and a inn keeper at the same time isn’t always easy.

Some people don’t like animals or they like just dogs or just cats (I haven’t yet met a person who doesn’t like just goldfish…but who knows?) There are some that love animals but not exactly drooling in their laps. And, THAT I perfectly understand. Nor do people want their black woollen pants

So I give a subtle hint to potential guests with this front page on my web site

This is Laurent (my off again on again French boyfriend), me, his two dogs, Pearl and Aya, and my two dogs, Sushi and Raggy.

But we have never had a problem and we even had one young girl who lost her fear of dogs with Sushi.

And, on several occasions, Sushi has been invited into the guest’s room for the night!

But we are talking about “feeding time at the zoo” so let’s go….

…but first I have to explain that we have become a Parisian Pet Refuge. If you don’t know the quai de la mégisserie à Paris, it is the longest pet store I have ever seen. Animal boutiques line the street and not so long ago they were still selling spider monkys. But they have been forced to clean up. They do still, however, still sell rabbits at 100€ and ferrets at 800€!

Here is Bunny, She was bought by a young Aussie who discovered that rabbits like to eat curtains and electrical cords! She is happier here with corn, cabbage and carrots.

Stinky arrived with the illustrious name of “Fleur” (flower). Sophie was lovingly given her by her children who did not realise that the name Stinky was more appropriate than Fleur. We love her and bath her once a week. Stinky likes to share her dinner with Pookie.

Stinky and Bunny are Parisian Refugees, Pookie the cat came from the local pet refuge.

We are not yet finished, here are Franklin and Caroline. I have not yet mastered the technique of photographing them but I shall persevere

Caroline likes to hide in the floating log
and Franklin, under it..

Franklin and Caroline are two South American aquatic turtles who were born in captivity. I love watching them. They are “apaisant” (calming) and peaceful.

These are the only pets I have not named, they move too fast. When I have guests I don’t have to feed them as they are given croissant and bread crumbs and swim with delight afterwards.

It is 18h (6pm) and Pavlov’s reflex is right on. The church bell is ringing and the dogs are drooling. Time for the “gamelle” (mess kit).

Even Pookie is hoping.

The oldest first, Pearl, (ask Laurent why he named a male “Pearl”, I haven’t the faintest) The biggest
and the smallest are the oldest…

wife of Pearl, mother of Aya and Aya

Of course, in France, an after dinner conversation
Then a “petite sieste” (little nap)

Of course I talk to them in French because they never « se moquer de mon accent » (make fun of my accent)
Kristi Anderson
Bed & Breakfast
Saint Jacques
Le Coin Perdu
15, place de l'église
45240 ligny le ribault
Sologne Loire Valley

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ok, Yesterday I promised to translate my Valentine's poster. Well, I was on strike. (it's France!) and with good reason. What would you do if your desk looked like this. I couldn't find the computer!

After organising at least two files I located the computer and am back on track! For those of you who are faithful enough to have come back today I will. For those of you more gifted for the French language than me can correct, but, please, with love and tenderness. It is the le fléau de mon existence (the bane of my life) that I continue, after 22 years here, to speak French like a vache espagnole (Spanish cow but more apt would be worse than Jane Birkin!)

For the Saint Valentine's menu I tried to have an aphrodisiac ingredient in each dish or drink. We will be starting with a Valentine's Kir,

It is actually my Thanksgiving Kir with a little Kirsch added. The recipe: l tsp Cranberry (or Raspberry) liqueur, 1 tsp Kirsch add 3 or 4 dried cranberries then fill the glass with sparkling wine. (for those who do not drink the Devil's drink may use Perrier)

I tried desperately to upload a video of the Kir. Because, I promise you, the cranberries dance!! It is magic! If any of you can and would explain how to upload so can you enjoy the dance!

As a starter, oeuf poché (poached egg) red & black
Ok, so this wasn't hard to translate; in fact this whole menu is easy! The red and black will be salmon and lump eggs. The recipe is one of the Christine's who has promised to give it to me afterwards.

The plat de resistence (main dish) will be roasted chicken marinated in a ginger, honey and mustard sauce. Recipe later as I haven't yet made it!
Safran rice (the safran comes from local producer just 6 kms from us!)

Endive salad with walnuts
Chocolate tart (see the posting "Chocolate for Lauren" to have the recipe)
wine and coffee


You should think about coming over for the week end! The fire in chimney will be ablaze the whole week end long!

kristi anderson
bed & breakfast
15 place de l'église
45240 ligny le ribault

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Snow, rain and she devils

The lovely snow is gone.

The rains came and washed it all away.

I haven't even had the courage to go outside and play!Sunday was beautiful and I did get out to the terrace. Then back in to organise the upcoming Saint Valentine's dinner. The Christine's came over and we decided on the theme "angels or demons". We are encouraging everyone to dress for the occasion.

I think it would be more fun if the guys dressed as angels.

I mean, really, does anyone know a male friend that could look this angelique? Not me, in any case.

All my male friends, when they decide to put wings on their backs look more like this guy.....
Then to be equal I needed to look for a she-devil.

I searched high and low, and, above all, on internet for a she-devil and, guess what, couldn't find one.. What do you think this means....?! We are not, after all, the DEVIL
However I did find a photo of my daughter's favorite and, I hope, beloved, she-devil.

This was taken two years ago, I am sure that I look much younger now!

Now that you have seen a preview of just a few of the demons and angels that are coming here is poster that I sent out today to my "Coin Perdu" list. I will be translating it tomorrow. So come again!

kristi anderson
saint jacques le coin perdu
bed and breakfast
15 place de l'église
45240 ligny le ribault

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

winter wonderland and the old pessimists

Last night's snowfall was really a winter wonderland!

But I cannot tell a lie. I was too warm and too lazy to put on my galoshes and traipse outside to share it with you by taking photos. Luckily for you my neighbor, Sylvie, is much more courageous.

Here is our church,. (It is so pretty it almost makes me want to be a catholic!)
If you been drinking a cafe or kir at Sylvie's last night.....

...this was the view
And, Syvlie was nice enough to take one of the house. (yes, that us, you can tell by the big street light)

Just another word about the French. And, yes I was watching television againlast night (very good for my French). From Tuesday's newscast we learned that the French were pessimistic. From last night's I learned that France has the most 100 years or older citizens in Europe.

I'm telling you. It is this eating, drinking and being merry!

kristi anderson
saint jacques le coin perdu
15, place de l'église
45240 ligny le ribault

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas just left and Saint Valentine is coming!

I feel a frenzy attack coming.
The Christines (I will explain them in a later note) and I have decided to organize a Saint Valentine’s dinner for Saturday, February 13th. I organized one for 2007 and 2008 but I was recovering from hip surgery last year so the Christines did one by themselves. Now we are back in business.

The theme this year is , what else?, Angels & Devils, Red & Black. Can’t wait to do the deco.
But I am frustrated. I use a simple software called Printmaster, unfortunately all the versions don't mix together and my favorite angel is on the old which I can't get up on the new version. So here are some that I have found, along with devils, but I am not thrilled with any of them! least I have the menu.

Raspberry kir

Ginger and honey roast chicken
Safrane rice
Endive and walnut salad
Peppered Olivet cheese
Dark chocolat tart

And, all that, with a 1/4 wine and coffee for 25€!

kristi anderson
saint jacques -le coin perdu
15 place de l'église
45240 ligny le ribault
French Blog:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh, those French

On last night's news presentation (I think it was FR2) it was announced that France is Europe's most pesimistic nation. I don't think I would go so far as to say pesimistic, I'd rather say that the French are resigned. Resigned to life as it is.
Maybe that is why they know how to eat, drink and be merry so well!

Vive la France!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Just another snowy day

I did manage to get out and take a few photos.

Everything looks pretty when it is covered with freshly fallen snow, even my garden.

That lovely snow hides the fact that I didn’t finish cleaning up the garden before the snows came!

Quickly returned to the house and the fire. I had last minute guests for dinner last night and wasn't very inspired for the dessert. These were guests who come often and thus, had already enjoyed (at least I hope they enjoyed...) many of my recipes. I also knew they loved to try new dishes.

I looked around, the cupboard was almost bare. Then I noticed no one was eating the rosy red apples that I had bought, not even bunny!

Soooooooooooooo I sliced them up, put them in a frying pan with a couple of tablespoons of butter and brown sugar, fresh ginger slices,and a pinch of cardamon.
While letting the mixture carmalize I toasted some slices of "pain d'épices" (spiced bread). I served the apples over the toasts. The marriage between the spiced toasts and the apples was lovely! And, if you really want to let yourself go, add just a splash of Calvados to the apple mixture before serving. Delicious!

kristi anderson
Saint Jacques le Coin Perdu
15 place de l'église
45240 Ligny le Ribault