Someone told me it's all happening at the zoo
Paul Simon
I missed my calling. I should have been a zookeeper, but then again, I am. I am also an Inn keeper, but then again, maybe inn keeper and zoo keeper are the same (just kidding) But I do have a zoo and I do have a Bed & Breakfast in Loire Valley, Sologne. To be a zoo keeper and a inn keeper at the same time isn’t always easy.
Some people don’t like animals or they like just dogs or just cats (I haven’t yet met a person who doesn’t like just goldfish…but who knows?) There are some that love animals but not exactly drooling in their laps. And, THAT I perfectly understand. Nor do people want their black woollen pants
So I give a subtle hint to potential guests with this front page on my web site
This is Laurent (my off again on again French boyfriend), me, his two dogs, Pearl and Aya, and my two dogs, Sushi and Raggy.
But we have never had a problem and we even had one young girl who lost her fear of dogs with Sushi.
And, on several occasions, Sushi has been invited into the guest’s room for the night!
But we are talking about “feeding time at the zoo” so let’s go….
…but first I have to explain that we have become a Parisian Pet Refuge. If you don’t know the quai de la mégisserie à Paris, it is the longest pet store I have ever seen. Animal boutiques line the street and not so long ago they were still selling spider monkys. But they have been forced to clean up. They do still, however, still sell rabbits at 100€ and ferrets at 800€!
Here is Bunny, She was bought by a young Aussie who discovered that rabbits like to eat curtains and electrical cords! She is happier here with corn, cabbage and carrots.
Stinky arrived with the illustrious name of “Fleur” (flower). Sophie was lovingly given her by her children who did not realise that the name Stinky was more appropriate than Fleur. We love her and bath her once a week. Stinky likes to share her dinner with Pookie.
Stinky and Bunny are Parisian Refugees, Pookie the cat came from the local pet refuge.
We are not yet finished, here are Franklin and Caroline. I have not yet mastered the technique of photographing them but I shall persevere
Caroline likes to hide in the floating log
and Franklin, under it..
Franklin and Caroline are two South American aquatic turtles who were born in captivity. I love watching them. They are “apaisant” (calming) and peaceful.
These are the only pets I have not named, they move too fast. When I have guests I don’t have to feed them as they are given croissant and bread crumbs and swim with delight afterwards.
It is 18h (6pm) and Pavlov’s reflex is right on. The church bell is ringing and the dogs are drooling. Time for the “gamelle” (mess kit).
Even Pookie is hoping.
The oldest first, Pearl, (ask Laurent why he named a male “Pearl”, I haven’t the faintest) The biggest
wife of Pearl, mother of Aya and Aya
Of course, in France, an after dinner conversation
Of course I talk to them in French because they never « se moquer de mon accent » (make fun of my accent)
Kristi Anderson
Bed & Breakfast
Saint Jacques
Le Coin Perdu
15, place de l'église
45240 ligny le ribault
Sologne Loire Valley